We offer Petal, Badge and Journey-in-a-Day Workshops
Studio Bella for Kids is proud to partner and serve the Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas at our own studio.
Daisies through Ambassadors have come near and far for workshops girls enjoy. We offer workshops for individual troops and we also partner with the GSNETX for large scale workshops. Workshops must be booked two weeks prior to your event date.
Check out a videos below of some of our workshops!
Private Workshops for Troops
Click on the buttons below to download the information / form of your choice.
Journeys in a Day
Studio Bella loves to problem solve and have creatively created Journeys in a Day of all ranks. We pack all the requirements and Awards in a 3 hour workshop. From Daisies to Ambassadors we have Journeys for all! Every Journey series includes a sustainable Take Action project and adventures, lessons and learnings to empower girls with leadership, love of learning and success!
To book a journey for your troop, click and fill out the form below.
Girltopia Journey – Troop 8080 and 5392
Studio Bella hosted a Girltopia Journey in a Day Workshop for two Girl Scout troops. They created the following video to introduce Play n’ Pass Puzzle boxes that will be distributed to elementary school girls. The girls packed 120 boxes for distribution! This note was included in the boxes to explain the take action to those families that receive them: Hello! We, Senior Girl Scouts from troops 8080 and 5392, spent an afternoon learning about women’s civil and physical rights as well as social standards regarding girl’s health. We decided to create these puzzle boxes to teach young girls about injustices faced by women around the globe. Our goal is for these boxes to be used to spread information to as many girls and their families as possible. Once you and your family have completed these puzzles and gained a deeper understanding about the world around you, please pass it on to another girl so that awareness may spread. We hope you learn a little bit and have ALOT of fun!
Girl Scout Workshops at Studio Bella For Kids
Questions? or call 469 878 8056.
For pictures & fun go to